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世纪中插画艺术博物馆 www.plan59.com

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PLAN59.com is a family-friendly Web site dedicated to the commercial art of mid-century America. Here at the nostalgia factory in Fairfax, Virginia, the assembly lines clank nonstop and the smokestacks belch 24/7 to deliver a high-quality assortment of jpegs, gifs, tiffs and the occasional vector graphic.
In 2005 we started offering large-format prints of selected images on the site; in addition to delicious eye candy we also provide illustrations to corporate as well as nonprofit clients for print, promotional, educational and Web use.
Satisfied customers include General Motors (Saab magazine, Cadillac), Noble Advertising, the Dana Corporation, Kiplinger's Personal Finance, the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, the Wall Street Journal and PQ Publishers (dozens of images for the book and DVD Rose Colored, published under the Barnes & Noble imprint). E-mail us with your queries. The boss, David Hall, has been in the publishing business for 20 years.



retro graphics retro images plan 59 50s car art 50s ad art

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 NIC注册机构

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