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谷歌街景超平面实验室 www.hyperlapse.tllabs.io

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谷歌街景超平面实验室 直达网站 直达网站

谷歌街景超平面实验室平台是Teehan+Lax Labs 调用了Google 街景的数据,做出来一个视觉效果非常有趣的动画作品 Google Stree View Hyperlapse(意为,超平面)。进入画面,你会跟随镜头在世界上任意一条公路上奔驰,拖拽鼠标可 360 度拉伸,效果十分畅。

Teehan+Lax Labs 使用的是 Google 街景的数据,而源代码已经在 Github 上公开了,如果开发者想要使用更高的画质或者万更加复杂的镜头移动,还可以自己来修改。
这个项目只是 Teehan+Lax Labs 的一个实验项目,负责人 Jonas 想要通过新兴科技来做超平面的视频。于是他们就使用了 Google 街景的数据。如果想要尝试,可以访问这个页面(需翻墙页面才能响应),我刚刚才在香港的屯门公路上走了一趟。你也可以通过下面的视频一览 Stree View Hyperlapse 的带感动画:
Hyper-lapse photography – a technique combining time-lapse and sweeping camera movements typically focused on a point-of-interest – has been a growing trend on video sites. It’s not hard to findstunning examples on Vimeo. Creating them requiresprecision and many hours stitchingtogether photos taken from carefully mapped locations. We aimed at making the process simpler by using Google Street View as an aid, but quickly discovered that it could be used as the source material. It worked so well, we decided to design a very usable UI around our engine and releaseGoogle Street View Hyperlapse.
The site settings are purposely low (like having a maximum of 60 frames per animation) for greater accessibility. However, all the source code isavailable on Github(including examples and documentation) so developers can play with higher frame rates, better image quality, and more complicated camera movements.

内容提要:Hyperlapse.js - JavaScript hyper-lapse utility for Google Street View....



street view hyperlapse http://hyperlapse.tllabs.io/

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