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社交化旅游主题分享平台 www.wayn.com

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WAYN(WHERE ARE YOU NOW)旅游网成立于2005年,是全球Zhui大的旅游和生活社区,拥有超过1,500万名全球用户。像Facebook一样,这是一个真实旅游社交网站,用户必须注册和建立个人档案才可以使用网站。
WAYN根据曾经或者计划做的事情,把趣味相投的人们连接起来,让他们能够通过即时聊天、电子邮件和手机短信进行互动。“谁在附近”(Who’s Around)功能告诉用户有哪些好友在线,而全新的“见面”(Meet People)功能根据各自兴趣进行配对。你还可以享用来自曾经到访过你的目的地的人们提供的实用信息。
WAYN (an acronym for Where Are You Now?) is a social travel network. Its goal is to help people discover where to go and what to do, meet like-minded people and share aspirations and experiences. WAYN is in the top 1500 in Alexa Internet traffic ranking and was founded in 2005 after two of its founders came up with the idea to connect people based on their location while having a few beers in their local pub. It grew from 45,000 to 4.1 million members in one year (to April 2006) and now has nearly 19 million members.
Like some other social networking sites, WAYN enables its users to create a profile and upload photos. Users can search for other users and link them to their profiles as friends. Registered users send and receive messages using email, discussion forums, eCards, SMS, and WAYN instant messages.
WAYN was founded in 2002 in London by Jérome Touze (Co-CEO), Peter Ward (Co-CEO) and Mike Lines (CTO). WAYN initially grew through word-of-mouth and reached almost 50,000 members by the end of 2004. Following its relaunch in May 2005 it grew exponentially, reaching over 2.5 million members by the end of

内容提要:Meet People App is a fun way to connect with like-minded folks based on where you are, where you want to go and what you love to do. Meet ...



1  印度(22.0%)
2  美国(6.8%)
3  伊朗(5.6%)
4  中国(3.7%)
5  英国(3.4%)

wayn delhi to shimla distance www.wayn.com/ wayn.com where are you now

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 加利福尼亚州旧金山市CloudFlare公司CDN节点

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