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校园项目众筹平台 www.alumnifunder.com

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exists to build a marketplace for disruptive initiatives, where youthfully minded doers can seek biased capital and advice from a "crowd" with shared intellectual and collegiate experiences.
Crowdfunding, however, is not a panacea. It is simply a technological tool for pooling resources. aims to use this technology to facilitate access to capital for smart, hungry, foolish yet capable dreamers. People who are willing to put their ideas and ultimately themselves in front of their alumni community in the hope of executing on their projects and ultimately, their companies.
strives to create an alternative path to creative, social, charitable, and business success, one that fosters a diverse ecosystem of entrepreneurship in all its myriad forms within established alumni networks, extending the mission of the university beyond its physical walls.



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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:法国

  • 1 印度生物资讯科技公司
  • 2 印度MetaHelix农业生物公司
  • 3 印度Strandls制药生物公司
  • 4 特列季亚科夫美术馆
  • 5 国立普希金造型艺术博物馆
  • 6 东京文化财研究所
  • 7 日本奈良国立博物馆
  • 8 京都国立近代美术馆
  • 9 国立国际美术馆
  • 10 日本艺术画廊官网

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