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日本动漫协会官网 www.aja.gr.jp

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The Association of Japanese Animations () is the industry group, mainly consisted of animation productions companies, established along with the lunch of the intermediate corporation system in Japan in April 2002, and as of January 2007, 52 companies are affiliated with the . works on various issues surrounding the animation industry in which most members are small to medium sized enterprises. Nowadays the industry seriously concern the infringement of intellectual properties including the problem of pirates and illegal file exchanges on the Internet, which has become known with P2P. Besides, there are many other problems that should tackle such as improvement of production environment, cultivation of human resources, and overseas operations. makes every day effort in order to solve those difficult tasks.



日本動画協会 アニメ産業レポート レイアウト用紙 アニメセンター 動画協会

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:日本

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