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创意设计共享杂志 www.shareable.net

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Shareable is the online magazine that tells the story of sharing. We cover the people and projects bringing a shareable world to life. And share how-tos so you can make sharing real in your life.
In a shareable world, things like car sharing, clothing swaps, childcare coops, potlucks, and cohousing make life more fun, green, and affordable. When we share, not only is a better life possible, but so is a better world.
The remarkable successes of sharing projects like Zipcar, Wikipedia, Freecycle, Kiva, and Creative Commons show this. They tell a hopeful story about human nature and our future, one we don't hear enough in the mainstream media.
They show what’s possible when we share. They show that we don't act merely for our own good, but go out of our way to contribute to the common good. They show that we can solve the crises we face, and thrive as never before. They show that a new world is emerging where the more you share the more respect you get, and where life works because everyone helps each other.
We tell this story because a shareable world might be just what's needed to enjoy life to the fullest today while creating a better tomorrow. And it's being built by people from all walks of life right now. Shareable is an invitation to join these everyday innovators.


1  美国(31.3%)
2  印度(9.5%)
3  加拿大(6.7%)
4  意大利(5.7%)
5  巴基斯坦(5.0%)

shareable tiny home communities agrihood sharable tiny house communities

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 加州

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