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在线音乐专辑试听网是一个音乐专辑平台,用户可以通过该网站寻找你喜欢的音乐人专辑,同时可以在线试听和购买喜欢的歌曲,也可以通过关键词或者名称来搜索。国外都是非常注重版权的,对于国内用户来说版权概念很模糊,我们寻找的资源都是可以在线试听的,另外对于喜欢国外音乐的人来说,寻找某一个音乐人的专辑不容易,通过这样的网站来寻找专辑很简单。allSongsBy gives you an easy way to quickly list all songs by a music artist and play them if they are available on YouTube. Just search for an artist and watch or listen to hours of free music or play individual tracks from the song listing.You can listen to auto generated playlists by music artist or album. "It's like watching a TV station made up of your favorite artist".
内容提要:Find all songs by any music artist. Browse albums, musical genres and listen to thousands of song samples....寻找任何音乐艺术家的所有歌曲。浏览专辑,音乐流派,听成千上万的歌曲样本。...