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跨平台屏幕截图分享工具 www.screencloud.net

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跨平台屏幕截图分享工具 直达网站 直达网站

跨平台屏幕截图分享工具是一款简单易用的跨平台截图工具,支持 Linux 、Mac 及 Windows 。同时它也提供在线图片分享服务,用户可以利用 截图后并在线分享屏幕截图。

除了支持 本身的图片分享服务外,它还支持 FTP 及 SFTP ,Zhui新版还支持 Dropbox , Imgur , Ubuntu one 等第三方存储服务。
The system tray icon gives you quick access to great screen capture features!
1、Sharing is easy
When you upload a screenshot to , a link is automatically copied to your clipboard. You can paste this link in an email or IM conversation. The other person can simply click the link and look at your screenshot.
2、Add your FTP server
supports uploading to your FTP and SFTP servers. If you provide a URL to your server, will automatically copy a link to the uploaded to file.
3、Save or upload
When you take a screenshot with , you can choose to save it to your computer or upload it to the web. offers free hosting of your screenshots.


1  波兰(39.4%)
2  美国(13.6%)
3  英国(10.2%)
4  印度(8.3%)
5  德国(3.9%)

screencloud screen cloud share screenshot upload screenshot

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:荷兰 美国纽约Digital Ocean主机公司新加坡分公司荷兰北荷兰省阿姆斯特丹数据中心

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