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吐司网免费照片美化编辑平台是一个免费的图片处理平台,用户上传自己待处理的图片并提出处理要求,图片技师(如果你有这方面的特长就可以注册图片技师)根据自己的判断提供图片处理、合成、修复等服务。吐司网于2008年2月正式上线,并获得全球Zhui大的私人软件集团之一Trilogy Software Inc.的注资,已成为亚洲领先的照片处理服务提供商,并已在全球多个国家和地区展开了相关业务。吐司网则为高水平技师创造更实际的利益回报。这样吐司网就形成了一个稳定的生态链。在吐司网,每一张图片均由专业的人脑解析,并纯手工处理。吐司网是一个免费、开放的图片处理平台,您可在此寻求专业帮助,图片处理领域的专家会根据自己的判断,来帮助真正有图片处理需要的人,并从中享受帮助他人和自我实现的乐趣。Tucia中文版是一个开放的中文设计社区。用户可免费提交照片,进入开放式的“设计区”,并接受众多设计师的无偿帮助;此外,对于有高端需求的用户,吐司提供了“贩售区”这个特殊的频道,为高端用户提供更加优质、高效的照片处理服务。We provide all kinds of photo editing services for a vast variety of purposes, including editing face and body photos, retouching dating/love or social networking profile photos, polishing sales and auctions business photos, fix vehicles and real estate photos, editing children and baby, animal and nature photos, etc.Yes, our designers are well trained to change background, correct lighting & colors, slim body, enlarge breast, adjust face shape/plastic surgery, smooth hair, remove acne & freckles, remove shadows or glares, improve skin texture, add lip gloss, whiten teeth, define eyes, repair old photos... but these are very basic tricks for us, and what we are doing is much more than that. Take a look at our examples and you will see many innovative ideas and creative elements were brought into common photos by our talented designers. That's a unique service which you can never find in anywhere else at such low price and such short turnaround time.Born in January, 200