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游戏开发者杂志资讯平台 www.develop-online.net

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Develop delivers priceless trade information to the global games development sector. Total monthly readership figures across print, online, digital and mobile is close to 300,000.
Develop is in a unique position at the games industry's heart, detailing the latest business, coding, art, sound and game design trends, and featuring interviews with the creative and commercial leaders in the field.
From tools technology to production processes behind video games and serious industry issues, only Develop has complete trust and total reach within the international community.
We listen and, by working with our readership, we set the news agenda for people inside the business.


1  美国(22.1%)
2  英国(14.5%)
3  法国(9.5%)
4  印度(7.7%)
5  德国(7.5%)

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  • 2 美国StephenWilkes摄影师官网
  • 3 土耳其KorayParlak时尚摄影师官网
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