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颜色含义权威调研网 www.sensationalcolor.com

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颜色含义权威调研网是一位颜色专家Kate Smith创办的颜色研究成果网站,该网站旨在通过对颜色的研究来分析人类的心理、生活意义,讨论颜色和生活的相关性,为生活带来色彩的娱乐性和知识性。

“I’ve been fascinated by color for as long as I can remember. When I was a kid, I’d get a new box of crayons but use them only after they’d been arranged and rearranged in all sorts of interesting color combinations. It was the many colors, more than the coloring itself, that captured my attention.
My love of color lead me to pursue a degree in fine arts, but even during my university studies, I often found myself more interested in color and the interaction of colors, than in perfecting my drawing or painting techniques. From that time on, though there was still much unknown, I was positive that colors would play a significant role in my life.
I began my career in product development and marketing, where I was able to work my way into the executive ranks of several Fortune 500 companies, learning to predict color trends and capitalize on using color effectively. I feel very fortunate that I had the chance to hone my color knowledge and trend forecasting expertise working alongside some of the best in the industry, all in an arena where the correct color direction had significant financial impact.


1  美国(27.7%)
2  印度(16.4%)

green color indian colors pink color pink roses pink rose

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