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家庭手工艺DIY教程网 www.makeit-loveit.com

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Hi, I’m Ashley…..…..welcome to my little corner.
I am a mom to 3 wiggly kiddos and a wife to a very patient (with my craft clutter) husband. In case you’re wondering, I always choose crafting/sewing/designing over mopping/dusting/wiping base boards……but bathrooms/laundry/full bellies are always attended to. Whew!
My little family is my main inspiration for what I create…..whether they want to be or not! And all someone has to do is dare me, and I’m down and dirty trying to figure out how to make something that I’ve seen in the store, or, well, is on someone that is walking down the street. Watch out passersby!
Sometimes these projects saves us a little money…..and other times, it is purely, well, just for fun. Because, hands down, nothing beats the thrill of creating something with your own two hands, and then being shocked that it actually worked out. Haha……..I can’t tell you how many times that has happened to me. So join in, make a little something, surprise yourself with the outcome………..and then love it! You’ll be so happy you did.


1  美国(52.9%)
2  英国(5.8%)
3  印度(5.7%)
4  加拿大(4.7%)
5  澳大利亚(3.2%)

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