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设计指导教学分享网 www.designinstruct.com

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Design Instruct is a regularly updated web magazine for designers and digital artists where you can find and learn design tips and tricks. We feature high-quality tutorials from some of the top designers and digital artists from around the world, as well as articles that cover an array of topics to keep you informed and inspired. We also share free and downloadable resources (see our Freebies section).
Our writers are professional designers and artists with diverse backgrounds and have had work recognized in industry-leading publications such as Computer Arts and Layers. Design Instruct was launched on January 26, 2010 as a bootstrapped Web startup by Six Revisions Founder Jacob Gube and Graphic Designer and Photographer, Isaac Gube.


1  印度(21.5%)
2  美国(14.6%)
3  意大利(5.0%)
4  英国(3.5%)
5  巴基斯坦(2.8%)

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