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美国青年人群调研平台 www.wearetheyouth.org

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We Are the Youth is currently profiling lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer young people throughout the United States. To change the world by sharing your story.
We Are the Youth is a photographic journalism project chronicling the individual stories of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth in the United States. Through photographic portraits and “as told to” interviews in the participants’ own voices, We Are the Youth captures the incredible diversity and uniqueness among the LGBT youth population. We Are the Youth addresses the lack of visibility of LGBT young people by providing a space to share stories in an honest and respectful way. While the profiles on the website currently feature youth from the Northeast and the South, as the project expands, We Are the Youth aims to be even more geographically diverse.
Since June 2010, We Are the Youth has profiled more than 50 young people across the United States. We Are the Youth profiles have been displayed at the Brooklyn Museum, the Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art, the Fresh Fruit Festival and the GenderReel Festival, and have been featured in media including The British Journal of Photography, Change.org, and The Huffington Post. We Are the Youth is an endorsing organization of the Make it Better Project and a member of the Coalition for Queer Youth.



we are the youth the vast fields of ordinary the youth nick burd

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