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美国OffScreenMag数字世界杂志 www.offscreenmag.com

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Offscreen is an "old-fashioned" magazine in high-quality print, exploring the life and work of people that create websites and apps. We want to tell the less obvious human stories of creativity, passion and hard work that hide behind every interface.
Each issue is built around six lengthy interviews with creative minds of successful websites, apps and other digital products. We talk to aspiring freelancers and renowned designers and developers, and ask them about their professional and private lives, what inspires and motivates them, and what goes on behind the scenes of some of the Web's biggest names.
We give digital products a real face by going beyond the "About" section of a website and introduce some of the lesser known people of the digital industry, presenting their personal stories. We explore how web folks collaborate, what their workspaces look like or what you may find on their desks.
As the name suggests, Offscreen is a magazine that explores what happens off the screen — outside our digital world. We encourage you to put your iPad down, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy a high quality read the old-fashioned way.
A physical product that can be touched, collected, and read anywhere, we believe, is a logical way to present this type of content. Reading it offline, in a distraction-free environment, allows us


1  美国(18.0%)

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