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巨亨网 www.cnyes.com

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鉅亨網是台灣第一品牌的財經網站,成立於1999年底,每天提供超過4000則全球財經新聞,10萬個以上商品的報價、圖表、資料庫,以及股票基金決策工具等。我們致力將彭博社、路透社全球金融資訊「免費」、完整的提供給華人,內容涵蓋全球股市、基金、外匯、期貨 、債券、宏觀、指標、房地產、理財、時尚,服務包括全球報價免費看盤室、Blog、鉅亨吧、新聞電子報、策略贏家、籌碼贏家、基金神盾、鉅亨購物等。 cnYES.com is the most trusted and consulted leading financial portal among the Chinese online professionals. It was founded in 1999 in Taipei, Taiwan. By 2012, more than 1,000,000 high income or high net worth Chinese speaking professionals across all continents became members. They use it as their personal commercial and financial portal to reach and to follow the global markets. Because of its comprehensive, up-to-date, and well organized financial news, its massive amount of financial market information, and its user friendly tools, its members consult, interact, invest, trade, and buy through cnYES.com every day.


1  (78.7%)
2  美国(5.0%)
3  中国(3.4%)
4  (2.0%)
5  日本(1.3%)

stockq 台股 鉅亨網 匯率 外匯

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:台湾省 中华电信(HiNet)

  • 1 台湾一块邮网
  • 2 DCFever.com 香港最受歡迎數碼產品資訊互動平台
  • 3 OpenRice
  • 4 台湾谷歌
  • 5 蚂蜂窝
  • 6 当当网
  • 7 OnlyLady女人志
  • 8 美团
  • 9 易车二手车
  • 10 178游戏网

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