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国际摩托车赛事官网是国家性质的摩托车世界锦标赛,已经拥有64年的光辉历史,有个大赛起源于1949年;国际摩托车联合会(FIM)将Zhui高级别的GP500以及整个赛事的名称都改为。于1949年创立,Zhui初只设六站比赛,以后经过8,10,12,13,15站,到1999年直至2004年,每年都保持16站比赛。从2005年起更是递增到了17站,赛事频率在不断扩大中,它的版图也在不断地扩大。按排气量的大小分为级别(1000cc)、Moto2级别(600cc 取代了原来的GP250级别)和Moto3级别(250cc 取代了原来的GP125级别)这3个级别。现在全部级别都采用四行程引擎。,即每站都有三组赛事。其中Moto GP组就是由GP500升级转变而来,主要的变化就是由原来二行程500毫升引擎转换成990毫升四行程引擎。从这项改革措施在2000年被国际摩联(FIM)正式确认并执行后,在摩托车赛事的地位就等同于F1目前在方程式赛车中的地位了。所用赛车全部特制,追求速度和注重观赏性,丝毫不亚于F1。由于赛车车体比F1窄,比赛参赛车辆多,超车机会比F1多得多,有时几乎每圈都发生名次改变。车手在Zhui后一圈甚至是Zhui后一个弯角处,突然发动冲刺而改变格局的场面也时有发生。另外,赛事中,车手身体完全外露,一般也不进站加油,没有进站策略可言,可以说比赛从一开始就是完全凭车手孤军奋战。因此比F1更为精彩刺激。Boasting 63 years of history, ™ is the oldest of all motorsports World Championships - its first annual competition having been held in 1949.From the early 1900s motorcycle Grands Prix were held in various countries and in 1938 the predecessor to the current FIM, the FICM (Fédération Internationale des Clubs Motocyclistes), announced a European Championship. However, the start of the Second World War interrupted the competition and it then took some time after the war for fuel to become available, before a truly international series could be created.EARLY DAYSWhen the first formal World Championship was held in 1949 Grand Prix racing comprised four solo classes, with the inaugural ‘premier class’ 500cc title being won by British rider L
The official site pertaining to the MotoGP championship. Features news, interviews, photos, videos and live timing.