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国际瑜伽爱好者杂志是美国影响力Zhui大的瑜伽杂志之一,成立于1975年;经过30多年的发展,现在已经发展为拥有法国、意大利、西班牙、俄罗斯等9个国家不同版本的国际刊物。Yoga Journal》杂志总部位于洛杉矶。在美国1000万的瑜伽练习者中有100万的人长期阅读《Yoga Journal》杂志,人们普遍认为这本杂志可以给读者带来大量专业知识和习练指导,是瑜伽爱好者的良师益友。瑜伽杂志是一本了解健康和意识生活的杂志。该杂志于1975年成立,专注于身体,心灵和精神方面的链接与其在个人发展的重要性。所涵盖的课题包括瑜珈,东方灵性,西方神秘主义,整体医学,身体功能,武术和冥想。For more than 30 years, one magazine has reported on the expansion and revolution of the yoga movement. Yoga Journal has been there, serving yoga teachers and the ever-growing yoga community. Like the community, we've evolved over the years, and now are proud to present –an interactive, in-depth, yoga community website.
Reports developments in the world of yoga provides step-by-step information on practices (poses, breathing, meditation) includes profiles of personalities and groups, tips for eating wisely, articles on philosophy, and yoga vacation travel guides. Information on conferences, books, and videos. Magazine is published seven times a year.