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美国半身像女性杂志(BUST Magazine)是一个双月刊女性杂志,创办于1993年,总部位于纽约,杂志内容涵盖时尚、音乐、情感、购物、新闻、艺术、手工艺等。BUST对妇女的生活和流行文化提供了一个全新的角度。BUST Magazine, the magazine for women with something to get off their chests. Rocking your world since 1993. With an attitude that is fierce, funny, and proud to be female, BUST provides and uncensored view of the female experience. BUST tells the truth about women's lives and provides a female perspective on pop culture.
The online home of the print magazine, BUST. Womens interest, culture, music, tv, movies, directory of girl-friendly links, events, news, and community lounge.