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钢琴的信息和价格钢琴官方蓝皮书 www.bluebookofpianos.com

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The Bluebook of Pianos is an invaluable handbook for anyone who owns or plans to buy a piano. The only book of its kind available, it gives complete, practical guidelines for purchasing and caring for a piano. After an illustrated discussion of piano structure that explains the workings of both grand and upright pianos, the book gives careful advice for purchasing a new or used piano or player piano. Attention is given to important considerations such as price, tone, construction, consumer ratings and brand name recognition. The book goes on to discuss the care and service of a piano, including detailed information about tuning, moving, repairs, and cleaning. The expert advice in this book will help you enjoy your piano more as well as care for it better.

内容提要:The "Bluebook of Pianos" has been published for over 50 years. You may only buy or sell one piano in your lifetime. This guide should answer your ...



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