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网上竞拍购物平台是芬兰的一个网上竞拍电商,所不同的是该购物平台可以把竞拍者风险和损失减少一点,而对于没有拍到的人,如果他们选择点击“现在购买”在上以接近零售店的价格购买相同产品(网站盈利的主要来源),那么之前竞拍的叫价就可以不用支付。一般的竞拍平台是这样运行的:比如一台iPad以20美元的底价开拍,有100个人竞拍,Zhui终只会有一个人拍到,其他99个人的叫价全部归网站所有,简直是像六合彩一样的机制。在上,一个商品元低价摆上网拍卖,买方竞标,出价后10秒内无人竞拍就归出价者所有,而有人竞拍就自动延时10秒,Zhui后一个叫价的人拍得商品。通常都比零售店价格便宜60%到99%。在网站中也加入了一些游戏化的元素,比如每次竞拍成功后网站右边就有一个bar显示满血,以及购买越多升级越快等等机制。Back in 2008, we felt that saving money online should be far more exciting than utilizing various price comparison tools to find the best prices, or using coupons to get small discounts. Simultaneously we were enjoying the experience some online auction sites were giving us, but the potential savings were too small, and the quality of the products as well as shipping times were varying and unreliable.That's why we started with a mission to bring fun into savings.Bidders on actively participate in real-time bidding to win some of the best deals on the Internet. By charging all bidders a small 60¢ fee to place each bid, can afford to sell off brand new products for up to 95% off traditional retail prices. That is why a laptop on can be sold for $19 or a brand new iPad 2 for $24.By combining a game-like experience with a sophisticated bidding platform, bidders can have a lot of fun, while potentially winning some of the best deals on the Internet.
Retailer selling items using the bidding format. The customer must purchase bid packs to participate. Includes a page listing the latest winners.