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DARPA官方网站 www.darpa.mil

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Commissions advanced research for DoD. It was founded in response to the surprise Sputnik launch in 1958 and fathered the Internet somewhere along the way. Site explains what theyre looking for (Solicitations), how to do business with them, news releases on the latest gee-whiz technology, budget info.

内容提要:You are now leaving the DARPA.mil website that is under the control and management of DARPA. The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by DARPA ......


1  美国(40.1%)
2  中国(25.3%)
3  印度(5.8%)
4  英国(2.9%)
5  巴基斯坦(2.3%)

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  • 1 所有晶体管的数据表参数与特性
  • 2 Food Standards Agency
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  • 4 electronicsweekly.com
  • 5 edn.com
  • 6 Electro Tech Electronic Projects
  • 7 enfsolar.com
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  • 9 数字混沌
  • 10 3D打印机开发公司

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