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物理学和天文学教育 -资源 www.compadre.org

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A project to create well organized, digital collections of high quality educational materials in physics and astronomy. ComPADRE consists of focused collections of materials for specific courses or serving specific constituencies, with connections to a wide range of online digital resources including curricular materials, digital libraries, and online journals, user communities that participate in the development and operation of these collections.

内容提要:The ComPADRE Pathway, a part of the National Science Digital Library, is a network of resource collections supporting teachers and students in Physics and ...


本站收录的"物理学和天文学教育 -资源“数据均来源网站“compadre.org”及互联网以上数据具有时效性,因网站域名、网站名称及内容会受域名过期、网站服务器故障、域名所有者更替或内容变化,而存在以上内容失效、错误等情况.

1  美国(49.9%)
2  印度(11.7%)

compadre desmos graphing calculator physics education research science buddies laboratory design

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国

  • 1 物理学中的最新的工作 搜索
  • 2 宇宙射线
  • 3 bowlesphysics.com
  • 4 谢尔盖耶夫
  • 5 钻石光源
  • 6 英国伦敦大学
  • 7 欧洲同步辐射装置(ESRF)
  • 8 :探索历史科学和
  • 9 AAPT首映组织
  • 10 CST的计算机仿真技术

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