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学术界垂直社交网络平台是一个针对科研工作者的Facebook+LinkedIn+Quora 的结合体,科研人员可在上面同其他研究员进行交流,建立自己的学术档案并分享文献。这种学术社交网络对科研进程是很有促进作用的。以往是由学术会议和学术期刊作为分享科研成果的载体,这些渠道其实审稿和策展的周期很长,沟通效率并不高,且科研人员的交流也多限于小圈子内。但是凭借像 这样的网络,可集结专攻各课题的学术人才,让群体交流和协作把孤寂的科研工作变得高效。现在 已有 280 万会员,人数Zhui多的两个领域是医学和生物。由中科院计算机研究所做的天玑学术网想成为垂直计算机科学领域的国内版 。 was built for scientists, by scientists,with the idea that science can do more when it's driven by collaboration. began when two researchers discovered first-hand that working with a friend or colleague based on the other side of the world was no easy task. The rapid evolution of technology has opened the door to change; by providing you with the right tools, we strive to facilitate scientific collaboration on a global scale.
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内容提要:Find over 100+ million publications, 11+ million researchers and 1 million answers to research questions. ResearchGate is a network dedicated to science......