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霍华德休斯医学研究所(Howard Hughes Medical Institute)成立于1953年,是一家为全美科学家提供资助的富有卓越声望的非盈利型研究机构.是全球规模Zhui大的非盈利性私立医学研究所和基金会。该机构目前具有约18名自然科学界的诺贝尔奖获得者,是世界医学研究组织当中的泰斗。全球Zhui先进的抗衰老技术“梅娜缇斯”即诞生于HHIM研究所的医学团队。HHMI支持范围包括数百个国际一流实验室,为每位研究员提供大约100万/年研究经费,以支持创造性但高风险的研究工作,并使这些科学家集中精力,不必再为申请NIH基金分心。医学及本科基础教育亦属于支持范围。The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) is a nonprofit medical research organization that ranks as one of the nation’s largest philanthropies. HHMI plays a prominent role in advancing biomedical research and science education in the United States.Founded in 1953 by aviator and industrialist Howard R. Hughes, HHMI is headquartered in Chevy Chase, Maryland, and employs more than 3,000 individuals across the U.S. HHMI has an endowment of $16.1 billion of which the Institute spent $800 million for research and distributed $119 million in grant support for science education in fiscal year 2012.
A medical research organization whose scientists include many of the worlds leaders in the fields of cell biology, genetics, immunology, neuroscience, and structural biology.