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世界时间在线查询工具 www.thetimenow.com

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世界时间在线查询工具 直达网站 直达网站



The Time Now是旅程中、拨号时或从事研究的可靠工具。The Time Now提供准确的(美国网络铯钟)同步时间,以及世界各地的准确时间服务。多亏我们的世界时钟,得以查明世上任何时区的现时当地时间。备有当地时间、地图、天气,乃旅游时或拨号到国外的可靠工具。
The Time Now基于准确的美国网络铯钟同步时间,是查明世界上任何地点当前时间的主要地方。也提供其他资讯,如夏令时间、时区、货币、国家拨号代码、详尽天气和预报、日出和日落、月升和月落、坐标、附近城市、附近机场以及当地业务营业时间等其他资讯。

The Time Now is a reliable tool when traveling, calling or researching. The Time Now provides accurate (US network of cesium clocks) synchronized time and accurate time services around the world: current local time, UTC/GMT offset, daylight saving time, time zone, currency, country calling codes, weather and forecast, sunrise and sunset, moonrise and moonset, coordinates, nearby cities, nearby airports, local businesses opening times and more. Also many tools such as a time zone converter, an international meeting planner, a dialing codes helper, a distance calculator and a currency converter. The Time Now is currently available in 29 languages.


1  中国(9.4%)
2  日本(8.0%)
3  韩国(5.9%)
4  墨西哥(4.8%)
5  西班牙(4.4%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 佛罗里达州坦帕市Noc4hosts公司

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