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基本WEB在线思维导图制作工具是一个在线制作流程图和思维导图的网站,该网站免费使用,没有任何限制,直观的UI界面让用户快速上手,用户也可以分享、嵌入或者导出自己设计的作品。思维导图大家并不陌生了,之前我也介绍过很多在线版的思维导图工具,今天介绍的这个工具完全免费不过有部分广告,要想使用的话必须注册用户才能使用,另外该网站也分享了很多用户自己制作的成品案例,你可以参考他们创作的思维导图来丰富自己的知识,制作更加精美的作品。如果你使用该工具制作完成后也可以分享到其他第三方网站,也可以嵌入到自己的网站上去,或者直接导出到本地支持的格式为RTF格式。 is a software application that supports the creation of mind maps. It's a specialized tool to quickly create, manage and edit the kind of data structure required for mind maps. Of course mind maps can be used for nearly everything, from todo lists to knowledge collections, but there are better suited tools for that (for example it also would be possible to write a letter with Paint, but nobody would do that). So is not a multiple purpose diagramming tool, it's really about entering thoughts, arranging and refining them, and exploring ideas in a graphical way.
Collaborative web based tool, with unlimited simultaneous users. Features description and sign up pages.