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国际水肺潜水学校 www.divessi.com

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国际水肺潜水学校 直达网站 直达网站


Scuba Schools International is clearly a name you can trust in the diving community and we attribute that success to uncompromising standards and a focus on quality not quantity. Scuba diving is only an enjoyable, relaxing pastime if the diver feels safe and well-trained. Thatrsquo;s why SSI has worked for over 40 years to perfect our signature training technique ldquo;comfort through repetitionrdquo;, develop the most stringent instructor certification standards, and to cultivate a network of authorized dive centers and resorts which guarantee SSIrsquo;s high quality of service and safety. SSI provides education in dive training and scuba certification for divers, dive instructors, dive centers and dive resorts around the world. SSI Certification Cards are welcomed all over the planet, wherever you choose to dive.

内容提要:SSI (Scuba Schools International) is a world-wide leader in diving education that is dedicated to provide The Ultimate Dive Experience. For more than 40...



1  美国(26.3%)
2  德国(20.3%)
3  荷兰(6.1%)
4  西班牙(5.0%)
5  (2.8%)

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