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美国发现女孩青春杂志 www.discoverygirls.com

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I started Discovery Girls when my daughter Alexa was eight, because I wanted her middle-school years to be different from mine. I remembered how alone I felt when I was her age. It wasn’t until years later that I realized that other girls went through confusing times and struggled to fit in, too—I just hadn’t known it back then. I was sure there must be a magazine that connected girls and showed them they weren’t really alone. To my surprise, I couldn’t find one. The magazine I wanted didn’t exist…so I began to think about creating it myself.
Even though I knew nothing about publishing a magazine, I knew in my heart that I needed to do something to help my daughter and the rest of the girls of her generation. So before long, I’d left my job in high-tech management, put together a business plan, and used my savings to hire a small staff. We set up shop…in my living room.
Right from the start I knew girls needed to be involved in every aspect of the magazine’s creation. So I selected 12 girls from our local schools, and for almost a year, we spent hours every week in my kitchen, talking about everything girls their age

Provides guidance and a voice for tween girls. Over half of


1  美国(96.8%)

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