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Webopedia is a free online dictionary for words, phrases and abbreviations that are related to computer and Internet technology. Webopedia provides easy-to-understand definitions in plain language, avoiding the use of heavy jargon when possible so that the site is accessible to users with a wide range of computer knowledge.
Full-time experienced editors gather information from standards bodies, leading technology companies, universities, professional online technical publications, white papers and professionals working in the field. The sources used are often listed in the links section below the definition if the sources can provide more information than was included in the definition. Every definition is verified among multiple sources; definitions are never based on just one source.
The definitions on Webopedia evolve and change as technologies change, so the definitions are frequently updated to reflect trends in the field. New terms are added on a daily basis, and many of the new terms come from suggestions from the site's users.

Definitions of many computer-related terms, from hardware to the Internet.


1  印度(33.6%)
2  美国(17.6%)
3  英国(3.8%)
4  巴基斯坦(3.7%)
5  尼日利亚(2.3%)

api erp cdn crm software ddos

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国

  • 1 欧洲航天官方网站
  • 2 在线动画教育资源网
  • 3 儿童语音教学网
  • 4 Citation Machine
  • 5 澳大利亚
  • 6 世界日期及时间网
  • 7 英语同义词查询网
  • 8 DLTK
  • 9 英国皇家鸟类保护协会
  • 10 打印工作表的教师共同的核心

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