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在线幼儿教育学习平台 www.literacycenter.net

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Early childhood education is a team sport. It is most successful when parents, teachers, and children play and learn together. Research tells us it is important for children to speak, read, and write in their first language, first. For this reason, the Literacy Center Education Network has designed an integrated learning system that allows parents to teach home language skills before sending their children to school. Teachers can use the same method to teach English Language Learners (ELLs) in Kindergarten. It is free and easy.
Children develop self-esteem and a love for learning when they are allowed to create and invent. We call the natural progression from early recognition to reading and writing: Play. Make. Practice. We support the learning of letters, numbers, colors and shapes with a variety of hands-on activities. Make alphabets out of ordinary objects, play online games, color shapes, and practice tracing letters. Children who learn home language skills at their own pace will be ready and excited to learn new languages when they start school.

Games with sound that teach shapes, colors, letters, numbers and keyboarding. Requires Flash plug-in.


1  美国(37.8%)
2  加拿大(11.6%)

lower case alphabet lowercase alphabet alphabet uppercase and lowercase lower case letters shape names

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