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在线CSS网页设计工具 www.cssmatic.com

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CSSmatic 是一个非营利性的 CSS 工具,目前包含4个很有用的工具分别是:支持各种颜色和透明度的渐变工具,使用渐变工具,您可以创建渐变平滑的色彩变化效果和微妙的透明胶片;边框圆角工具可以帮助你方便的实现需要的圆角效果;噪声纹理可以帮助你创造奇妙的背景图案,能够实时预览结果;盒阴影工具可以控制模糊半径的变化,颜色变化,阴影大小,可以实现你想要的任何效果。
CSSmatic is a non-profit ultimate CSS tools for web designers. There are four useful tools at the moment. You can use the Gradient Generator which supports multiple colors and opacity stops to get amazing gradients. By using the gradient tool you can create gradients with smooth color changing effects and subtle transparencies.
Border Radius is super easy to use and a super time saver. Change all the borders selected at the same time. Noise Texture helps you create subtle background patterns with dirty pixels and noise, changing the color and values and previewing the results in real time. Box Shadow supports Blur radius changes, color changes, shadow size. Everything that you need to create great drop shadows in a single place.

Generators for gradients, border radius, noise texture, box shadow.


1  印度(19.1%)
2  美国(7.0%)
3  西班牙(5.3%)
4  巴西(5.1%)
5  墨西哥(4.9%)

box shadow generator box shadow css box shadow box-shadow box shadow css

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