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简单食谱烹饪博客是一个家庭式的国外美食分享博客网站,由埃莉斯鲍尔创办,该博客不想那种大型美食网站一样分享菜谱,而该博客只是分享家庭里常见的菜式,并有博主亲自示范,分享自己生活中做过的美食。埃莉斯鲍尔早在2003年就已经开始了分享菜谱的的生涯,通过7年的不断更新,获得了十几万人的喜爱,她所有的菜谱都是在父母的指导下进行的,后来吸引了一些博主的加入,丰富了他们的家常菜谱,如果你浏览该博客的话,会发现一些古老的家族菜谱,非常值得自己亲自尝试。If you are unfamiliar with Simply Recipes, please allow me to take a moment to introduce you to the site. The first thing you should know is that Simply Recipes is a blog or a personal website, created and maintained by me, Elise Bauer.Unlike most of the large recipe sites that you might find on the Internet with tens of thousands of recipes, Simply Recipes is my personal website, with only a few hundred recipes, all tested by me, my family or my friends. We invite you to try the recipes, and if you would like, leave constructive feedback in the comments. Do you have a recipe binder or box of recipe index cards?Think of this site as our family sharing the recipes in our recipe binder with you. As we cook the recipes multiple times, we often think of improvements and update the recipes. So keep in mind that what you see here is a work in progress.
Family food and cooking blog, with over a thousand tested recipes, with beautiful photographs and step-by-step instructions.