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安娜在线 www.aana.com

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Founded in 1931, the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists (AANA) is the professional association representing more than 40,000 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) and student nurse anesthetists. CRNAs are advanced practice nurses who are the hands-on providers of approximately 32 million anesthetics given in the United States each year. They administer every type of anesthetic, work in every type of practice setting, and provide care for every type of surgery or procedure, from open heart to cataract to pain management.

内容提要: In Memoriam: AANAFormer PresidentBarbara Adams, CRNAAt rest September 22, 2016 Public Relations Recognition AwardsSee 2016 Entries and Winners...

悼念:AANA前PresidentBarbara Adams,crnaat休息2016年9月22日公共关系识别a...


1  美国(69.0%)
2  印度(10.5%)

crna aana anesthesia nurse anesthetist aana journal

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