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心理咨询救助服务平台 www.samaritans.org

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We’ve been talking to people about difficult feelings since 1953. In that time we’ve learned a lot about what really helps.
We can help you explore your options, understand problems better, or just show you that someone is always prepared to care.
It doesn’t matter who you are, how you feel, or what has happened. If you feel that things are getting to you, get in touch.
Some people like to dive straight in and get in touch. Others want to know what it will feel like before they take the plunge.
We've got some information about what happens when you get in touch.

Samaritans exists to provide confidential emotional support to the distressed and despairing in the UK and Ireland. If you need help, call 08457 90 90 90 or email jo@samaritans.org at any time. www.samaritans.org


1  英国(57.2%)
2  美国(12.4%)
3  爱尔兰(8.3%)

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