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在线视频制作和分享平台 www.animoto.com

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在线视频制作和分享平台是一个拥有全自动加工在线视频的核心技术的网站,用户选择照片、视频模版、音乐和添加文本之后,Animoto 就会包办后续所有的工作,在数分钟内生成品质精良的幻灯片视频。

In the works since 2005, Animoto was founded with the vision of inspiring people to share their lives through the magic and power of video. Animoto’s founders include veterans of the entertainment industry and have produced shows for MTV, Comedy Central, & ABC, studied music in London, and played in indie rock bands in Seattle.
Today, Animoto is a video creation service (online and mobile) that makes it easy and fun for anyone to create and share extraordinary videos using their own pictures, video clips, words and music.
Simply upload your pictures and video clips, choose your style, add words and music, and click the "produce video" button. Then, Animoto’s cinematic technology does its magic and in minutes brings it all to life with a beautifully orchestrated production you can share with family and friends.
Millions of people actively use Animoto for everything from special occasions like birthdays, weddings and trips, to sending a quick special greeting, or just to share everyday moments.
Based in New York City with an office in San Francisco, The entire Animoto team is a passionate and innovative group devoted to helping more people experience the power of video for sharing their lives.

Creates music videos for selected images and pictures on the web.


1  美国(34.0%)
2  印度(16.3%)
3  英国(3.3%)
4  墨西哥(2.6%)
5  加拿大(2.3%)

video maker slideshow maker slideshow animoto video creator

网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心

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