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在线文件共享云存储服务平台 www.hightail.com

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在线文件共享云存储服务平台是一家致力于创意职业人士的文件共享服务平台,之前为YouSendIt ,后来获得投资并改名为Hightail,业务也随之拓展为进军企业云存储解决方案市场。

YouSendIt 是一家云存储服务公司,成立于 2004 年。去年的时候这家公司的注册用户数就已经超过 4000 万,年收入达 5500 万美元。Hightail 云存储采用的是免费增值模式,目前,Hightail 提供了免费版、专业版、团队版及企业版等多种服务套餐。除免费版以外,其余均提供无限额的存储空间。由于可免费提供 2GB 的空间,因此大多数的用户均为免费用户,但是有超过 50 万用户为了能够获得无限额空间及各种控制、跟踪和电子签名功能而成为付费用户,正是这批人贡献了 Hightail 的主要收入。
为了增强功能(尤其是特色的安全功能)以便更好地与 Box、Dropbox 及微软 Skydrive 等竞争对手对抗,Hightail 今年 9 月还收购了安全公司 adeptCloud。此举可为 Hightail 开拓监管措施比创意、营销及法律市场更严苛的金融、政府及医疗保健市场奠定更坚实的基础。
Send large files securely:
Send files up to 2GB from your computer or mobile device and control exactly who sees your work.
The easy way to work together:
Share project folders with clients and colleagues and decide who can edit and update your files.
Access your work from anywhere:
With unlimited file storage online, you can use our mobile and desktop apps to access your files wherever you are.
The reliable way to send files and sign documents:
Send files up to 2GB from your computer or mobile device with Hightail. You can also sign documents on Hightail and return them right away. Whatever you're sending stay in control with password protection, identity verification, file tracking and more security options.
Do it your way:
Email large attachments with the Hightail Outlook plugin or send right from your desktop with Hightail Express.

File transfer and email service. Also offer secure and large file transfer.


1  美国(50.3%)
2  英国(5.5%)
3  澳大利亚(4.4%)
4  印度(4.2%)
5  墨西哥(4.1%)

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  • 5 法国DailyMotion视频分享网
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