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最佳网页设计展示平台 www.awwwards.com

印度 点击(2071) 全球(8454)

最佳网页设计展示平台 直达网站 直达网站



The awards that recognize the talent and effort of the best web designers, developers and agencies in the world.
We aim to create a meeting point where web professionals from across the world can come to find inspiration; a space for debate; a place to share knowledge and experience; give and receive constructive and respectful critiques. “Always hungry”.
The jury, along with users, award each site a score from 1 to 10 based on its design, creativity, usability, and content.The highest-scoring sites are awarded Site of the Day and entered into the Site of the Month and Site of the Year competitions.
The aim of is to create an online community of like-minded users who can bring their expertise to bear on the latest web projects. We have created an online reputation system in order to credit users who demonstrate their knowledge and commitment with Status Points and exclusive privileges.

Recognizes website design and development with annual ceremonies. Includes an introduction to the judges and a design and development directory.


1  印度(22.1%)
2  美国(10.3%)
3  意大利(4.2%)
4  英国(3.8%)
5  法国(3.7%)

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