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免费高质量图片素材分享网是一个提供无版权图片素材的图片提供商,不论数字或者印刷格式,个人或者商业用途,您都可以免费使用本网站任何图像,并且无原作者署名要求。寻找免费且高质量的图片是件单调乏味的任务-主要是源于版权问题,署名要求或者仅仅是图片质量不够。因此我们深受启发而创立了Pixabay-一间超高质量无版权限制的图片的贮藏室。Our quality guidelines are aimed at creating useful images that designers may confidently include in their projects. Find out about common quality issues and how to avoid them, when taking photos.Our priority on Pixabay is providing designers with photos and visual elements that are ready to use for any project. Therefore, the images should not contain any kind of technical imperfections at full size that will limit their usefulness. Also, no protected property, unreleased people,
Pixabay.com is a repository for outstanding public domain images. Find free pictures and share your own photos with the world.