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创意LOGO交流分享社区 www.logosauce.com

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Logosauce is from New Zealand, invented by design and brand geek David Vaassen (ably assisted by Matthew Ravenhall and others) in 2006.
Logosauce was the result of frustration over finding (or rather not finding) the source of brand artwork for customers, clients and projects.
Initially the plan was to provide a simple brand directory (like a yellow pages for brands) with contact info for the brand owner. Alas, unfortunately most brand owners are useless when it comes to brand stuff and have little idea where to find artwork, let alone what a vector file is!
So it was obvious that we had to get the designers themselves involved.
So Logosauce evolved into a place for logo designers to not only point people to the source artwork, but to showcase their designs, admire others, comment and discuss logo design and hopefully get some inspiration.
We hope that designers will come (in their millions !) and showcase their beautiful designs, whether it's a commercial logo or just a concept that has never seen the light of day.
Later we added Design Competitions as a way for designers to practice their craft while making a little pocket money and a way for prospective clients to crowd source a new logo design.

Provides logo design services via a competition format. Clients can host a design competition and receive logo concepts from numerous designers.



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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:德国

  • 1 埃里森合作伙伴公关公司:战略公关
  • 2 信任的媒体分析
  • 3 绣花衬衫和服装
  • 4 目录营销传播机构
  • 5 创新营销
  • 6 数字分析协会
  • 7 科恩
  • 8 巴克利公司
  • 9 DDG︱品牌銳變品牌顧問品牌策略品牌溝通品牌形象設計
  • 10 数字矢量图编辑软件下载

  • © 2016 国外网站大全(www.948v.com)版权所有.
