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美国房利美公司官网 www.fanniemae.com

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美国房利美公司(Federal National Mortgage Association)是一家在美国纽约股市(New York Stock Exchange)挂牌交易的公司,也是全球Zhui大的非银行金融服务公司,是世界五百强企业之一。

As the leading source of residential mortgage credit in the U.S. secondary market, Fannie Mae is supporting today's economic recovery and laying the foundation for a better housing finance system. We guarantee and purchase loans from mortgage lenders to ensure families can buy homes, refinance, or rent a good home.
In the past five years, we have taken actions to improve our financial performance, build a profitable new book of business‚ and reduce losses on our legacy book. Fannie Mae's strong third quarter 2013 results were driven primarily by continued stable revenues and credit-related income, resulting in net income of $8.7 billion for the quarter, our seventh consecutive quarterly profit.
From January 1, 2009 through September 30, 2013, Fannie Mae provided approximately $3.9 trillion in liquidity, which enabled 3.4 million home purchases and 12.0 million mortgage refinancings. We also enabled financing for 2.0 million units of multifamily rental housing during this period.

Provides financing for the multifamily and single-family housing market throughout the nation.


1  美国(93.5%)
2  印度(3.7%)

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