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万维词汇网 www.worldwidewords.org

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万维词汇网是由MICHAEL QUINION创办的英语词汇维基百科,英语的新词不断趁现在互联网上,通过不断的收集汇总这些出现的新词,就有了万维词汇网的诞生,该网站每周都会出现新的英语词汇,对于学习和研究英语的用户有很大的帮助。

The English language is forever changing. New words appear; old ones fall out of use or change their meanings.World Wide Wordstries to record at least some part of this shifting wordscape by featuring new words, word histories, the background to words in the news, and the curiosities of native English speech.
This site is the archive of pieces that have appeared in thefree newsletter. Weekly issues include much more than appears here, including discussion by readers, serendipitous encounters with unfamiliar language, and tongue-in-cheek tut-tuttings at errors perpetrated by sloppy writers.

Explores the history, evolution byways, quirks, and curiosities of the English language. New and recent words and phrases are often featured, as are books on aspects of English. A weekly newsletter is sent by e-mail and RSS.


1  美国(45.9%)
2  英国(12.5%)
3  澳大利亚(5.9%)
4  加拿大(5.0%)
5  俄罗斯(0.9%)

on the fritz words kibosh bated breath his nibs

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  • 1 每一个作家
  • 2 Daily Grammar
  • 3 ed2010.com
  • 4 在线文字编辑处理工具
  • 5 儿童文学插画创作协会
  • 6 自由文学创作联盟社区
  • 7 所有的独立作家:自由写作独立出版
  • 8 创意、营销和文档管理解决方案
  • 9 在线英语语法检测纠正工具
  • 10 duotrope.com

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