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在线艺术家互动论坛 www.wetcanvas.com

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A division of F+W Media, Inc. WetCanvas.com is the largest forum on the internet for visual artists. Founded in 1998, it's home to over 3 million posts, adding about 4,000+ news posts daily. With nearly 300,000 members, WetCanvas is a great place to connect with other artists. Learn from step-by-step demos, get advice on tips and techniques, art supplies, how to sell your art, and more. Find art competitions, art videos, online art classes, and books. We've got you covered for everything from art business andacrylic techniques, to art history and learning how to draw.

Artists community with articles, news, forums and information on art supplies. Registration required.


1  美国(44.4%)
2  澳大利亚(7.3%)
3  英国(7.3%)
4  印度(4.9%)
5  加拿大(4.4%)

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