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在线商业字体销售平台 www.myfonts.com

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Myfonts网站是由美国人Charles Ying创办,当时他想找一个特殊的字体,但是他发现网络上很难找到像样的字体网站,于是他就创建了Myfonts这个网站,可以客户们用ZhuiZhui快的方式找到Zhui理想的字体素材。
is located near Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Our mission is to make it simple for everyone to find and buy fonts. In pursuit of this mission, has pioneered new ways to search for fonts when you don’t have an exact font in mind, including:
• More Fonts Like This, to find related fonts using a particular font as a starting point
• WhatTheFont™, for instant automated identification of the font used in a photograph or scan
• WhatTheFont™ forum, to enlist help from font experts for hard-to-match font samples
• User-provided tags, harnessing the power of thousands of users to help each other categorize fonts
The concept of was born in 1999 when Charles Ying wanted to find a font for a particular project. He was horrified to discover that the only way to find fonts on the web was to know the name of the font you were looking for, or browse a flat alphabetical list.
“Why can’t I just search for wedding fonts?” he asked. “This should be as easy as shopping for shoes! I should be able to point at a font in a magazine and say, ‘Show me fonts like this.’”
Charles reasoned that making it hard to find and buy

Information about the printer, type designer, typographer, calligrapher, stone carver and book designer.


1  美国(19.2%)
2  印度(8.4%)
3  意大利(4.7%)
4  英国(4.7%)
5  巴西(4.5%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心

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