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美国查理·罗斯专访视频网 www.charlierose.com

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Acclaimed interviewer and broadcast journalist Charlie Rose engages America's best thinkers, writers, politicians, athletes, entertainers, business leaders, scientists and other newsmakers in one-on-one interviews and roundtable discussions.
Charlie Rose airs Monday through Friday on over 200 PBS affiliates throughout the United States. Programs are one hour. Though we broadcast the show out of New York at 11pm weeknights, the show is seen at different times depending on your location. To find "Charlie Rose" in your area, first find your local affiliate. Go to "PBS Stationfinder" and follow the instructions.

[PBS] Program information and archives plus biographical information on Charlie Rose.


1  美国(46.4%)
2  中国(20.9%)
3  加拿大(11.8%)
4  英国(3.2%)
5  意大利(2.3%)

charlie rose charlie rose show rose charlierose charlie

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