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国际旅行摄影协会是英国的一个基于旅游摄影大赛的摄影协会团体,总部设在英国,由摄影师们承办,无论你是专业摄影师还是业摄影师都可以参加该团队,分享旅游过程中拍摄的经典图片。每年都会评选出Zhui优秀的摄影作品,2013年度Zhui佳摄影获奖作品我们已经发布,2013旅游摄影获奖者作品,旅游摄影的主题为人、自然、动物等范围。The Travel Photographer of the Year (TPOTY) photo contest is run by photographers for photographers. Whether you are amateur or professional, beginner or expert, young or old, wherever you live in the world, TPOTY is for you!And TPOTY is about even more than (really great) prizes – it’s about incredible exposure for your work. Photographers who’ve had TPOTY success have had their work showcased around the world. Established photographic careers have received a huge boost, new careers have been started, and people who never thought they’d see their photographs in print have had a lovely surprise!
International amateur and professional competition. Lists the competition rules, categories, sponsors and prizes. Gives advice on picture selection. Also includes the winners gallery and details about exhibitions and workshops.