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美国艺术协会官网 www.americansforthearts.org

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美国艺术协会(Americans for the Arts)是一个非营利性的组织,其主要工作是推动美国艺术的发展,该组织始建于1996年,是由当地的国民大会(Nalaa)和美国艺术委员会(ACA)联合创办,2005年煎饼了艺术与商业理事会公司,重组后为纽约艺术与商业委员会。

These goals are achieved in partnership with local, state and national arts organizations; government agencies; business leaders; individual philanthropists; educators; and funders throughout the country. In addition, Americans for the Arts produces annual events to heighten visibility for the arts, including the National Arts Awards, which recognize those artists and arts leaders who exhibit exemplary national leadership and whose work demonstrates extraordinary artistic achievement; BCA 10, which recognizes ten U.S.
companies for their exceptional commitment to the arts through grants, local partnerships, volunteer programs, matching gifts, sponsorships and board membership; and the Public Leadership in the Arts Awards (in cooperation with The United States Conference of Mayors) honoring elected officials in local, state and federal government for their support of the arts.
Through national visibility campaigns and local outreach, Americans for the Arts strives to motivate and mobilize opinion leaders and decision-makers who can ensure the arts thrive in America. As host of the national Arts Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill, Americans for the Arts annually convenes arts advocates from across the country to advance federal suppor

Nonprofit organization for advancing the arts in America.

内容提要: October is National Arts & Humanities Month—the perfect time to celebrate and raise awareness about the role of the arts in our lives! We have ...



Americans for the Arts


1  美国(76.2%)

national arts in education week 2016 americans for the arts jobs bca national arts marketing project americans for the arts

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