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另类音乐分享网 www.chartattack.com

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Chart Attack is dedicated to discovering, exploring, and promoting music that excites us and pushes boundaries. We also eat a lot of gourmet pork. Click the buttons below and keep in touch.
Chart Attack is a Toronto-based group of mostly unpaid music fiends, launched in 1996 as the online component of Chart Magazine (which ran from ’91 to ’09). Broadly put, we focus on independent and alternative music with hourly news updates, daily features, video interviews, mp3s, and all kinds of fun distractions.

Daily news, reviews, and interviews covering rock, pop, and alternative music. From Chart Magazine (Canada).


1  美国(29.2%)
2  加拿大(16.0%)
3  巴基斯坦(11.7%)
4  印度(9.6%)
5  英国(5.9%)

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