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数字电影简报网 www.thedigitalbits.com

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The Digital Bits began as an online newsletter in April of 1997, when site editor Bill Hunt discovered that there was a tremendous un-met need for accurate information about the DVD format among both consumers and individuals within the industry. Demand for the newsletter quickly grew, so The Digital Bits website was officially launched on December 15, 1997. The result has been steady, continued growth ever since.

Offers sneak peeks at upcoming DVD releases, and other DVD news and information.


1  美国(70.1%)
2  瑞典(13.3%)
3  加拿大(3.2%)
4  英国(2.3%)

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网站服务器信息 IP地址: 物理位置:美国 新泽西州月桂山镇Comcast有线通信公司

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  • 6 加拿大国家电影局
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  • 9 福勒手首页-福勒
  • 10 电影人杂志独立电影杂志

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