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Zhui佳电影数据库网是一个统计和整理历史上Zhui著名的电影数据库网站,该网站包括了丰富的参考材料,包括奥斯卡奖的历史,电影类型,电影条款,十年历史的电影,琐事,和大量列表的“Zhui好”的电影,明星,场景,报价,资源,海报等。这个网站是由蒂姆·德克斯创建于1996年5月,起初只是收集一些感兴趣的电影,并把这些电影归类;随着不断的积累,该网站上的数据越来越全面,获得了电影爱好者的喜爱。Filmsite is an award-winning website for classic film buffs, students, moviegoers and anyone else interested in the great movies of the last century. Detailed plot synopses, review commentary and film reference material are just some of the features available on the site.The site also contains film analysis, original content, information on the top films and most memorable movie scenes, "best of…" articles, and the most popular film quotes in all genres of film. Its many resources include a comprehensive overview of film history, a complete survey of the Academy Awards (Oscars), milestones and turning points in the industry, and background and descriptions for hundreds of classic Hollywood/American and other English-language movies from the last one hundred years. In the mid-1990s when it was first launched, was one of the first websites to initiate the trend to select 100 Greatest Films in the history of cinema.
Interpretive, descriptive review commentary and historical background for hundreds of classic Hollywood and other American films in the last century.